Wednesday, January 28, 2009

From the Appropriate Symbolism Department

Dear Republicans,

I'm sure you're excited that Sarah Palin has created her own political action committee:

However, is "a big Alaska-shaped hole in America" really the message you want to send? I mean, I think it's pretty on the nose, but not for reasons you'd find congenial.



When Palin's giant meteor strikes middle America, will it at least wipe out the current generation of GOP dinosaurs?
Yes, the SarahPac! Holds all your rigid stereotypes and biases in ONE SMALL BAG!! No more fumbling around for your conscience, you can hold it in your SarahPac! Witches and demons bothering you? Put 'em in your SarahPac!

Yes, it's much more handy than an ordinary fannie pack, it's the SarahPac! Available now from the GOP at a cost of only the nations dignity (plus a few trillion dollars)!

(Sorry, I thought it was Random Flickr Blogging.)
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