Sunday, January 11, 2009

Faith as a Covert Operation?

Not at all hard to believe if you're talking about Bushes (h/t truthout).

“The spy argot here is suggestive,” [Russ] Baker writes. “In the Bush milieu, an intelligence mentality spills over not just into politics but even into dealings with the church-based right. Domestic political constituencies,” he warns, “have replaced the citizens of Communist countries as a key target of American elites. They seek to win hearts and minds of devout Christians through quasi-intelligence techniques.”
War's not the only thing that's a continuation of politics by other means. For some people, religion is as well.

Under Wead’s tutelage, Poppy would learn the ins and outs of the evangelical world. But Poppy and W. had a problem in common. Baker writes that they knew that W.’s “behavior before becoming governor [of Texas in 1994] his partying, his womanizing, and in particular his military service problems—posed a serious threat to his presidential ambitions. Their solution was to wipe the slate clean—through religious transformation.”

Tabula Chimpa!
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