Saturday, October 11, 2008

Play Us Off, Johnny

It's buried near the end, but at least the AP found time in its story about declining U.S. influence in Latin America under Bush (leftists, and not just Brazilians, waxing! America waning!) to mention an inconvenient fact about U.S. involvement in the region. Well, a sentence, anyway. Plus a nifty dark joke courtesy of Chilean president Michele Bachelet:

But the U.S. has an ugly legacy of covert intervention in countries including Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Cuba. Chile's center-left president, Michele Bachelet, was jailed and tortured by a U.S.-backed military dictatorship in the 1970s. She recently recalled telling Washington's ambassador to Chile an old joke: "Some say the only reason there's never been a coup in the United States is because there's no U.S. Embassy in the United States."
Give it time, Madame President; give it time.

Which is why false-flag operations would not be a surprise in the region aside from what has been conspired with regards to regional parties; for only the U.S. and Israel have a track record for containing the rise of the supposed “Islamo-Fascists.” There are many Muslim and/or Arab enclaves in South and Central America. The overwhelming majority have absolutely no Islamist-agenda within the respective countries they live. Yet it would not take too much to get public opinion against this, while at the same time showing Latinos that the U.S. is still needed to champion ‘democracy and freedom’– just as the U.S. was needed to infiltrate and control select countries by way of the Drug Trade, and let’s not forget our own colonial history in the region.
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