Sunday, June 22, 2008

Prince Ca$pian

A little while ago I listened to the podcast of last Tuesday's The World, and I laughed most heartily at this segment featuring a Scottish mother who's found herself pitted against the estate of C.S. Lewis and its attendant legal muscle. The issue? She and her husband bought the rights to the internet domain name narnia.mobiostensibly as a gift for their 10-year-old son, a Narnia freak who thought an email address would be really cool—and now the C.S. Lewis Estate wants to add it to its pile of millions of dollars' worth of trademarks, film rights, merchandising deals, etc. How very, very reverent of them.

This sounds like a job for Screwtape!

Wormwood and Screwtape live in a peculiarly morally reversed world, where individual benefit and greed are seen as the greatest good, and neither demon is capable of comprehending or acknowledging true human virtue when he sees it.

Yeah, there's enough irony here to spin compasses, I swear.
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