Thursday, May 29, 2008

Near Noser

I don't have many commenters on this blog—or readers, for that matter—but damn, the ones I do have are sharp SOBs. My friend jules almost made me shoot liquid out of my nose when I read this thought on the McClellan story mentioned in my ABC rant earlier today:

I'm rather enjoying this; it's like pausing the videotape at the moment the king is discovered to be nekkid.
That's at once disturbing and hilarious. It's disturbulous? Distrabulous? We need a new adjective, dammit.

Speaking of commenters, I meant to thank Christopher Cerf for dropping by a few weeks ago. It's not enough that he's half of the entire Institute of Expertology, oh no. He also wrote songs for Sesame Street, co-created Between the Lions, and helped found National Lampoon. I thought I remembered Bill Moyers mentioning Between the Lions, but—wow. And I see that he's worked with Ray Bradbury. Years ago, when I saw him at a book signing and got his autograph on an ancient paperback copy of The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury blessed me. Six degrees. Anyway, the expertologists have a ripping new piece up at TomDispatch. Go see.

Thanks, nash! The local teevee coverage here in Austin is particularly interesting. They seem to want to be more sympathetic to the hometown boy, but goshdarnit, he's DISGRUNTLED.'re...sad...and puzzled. Dammit, someone go and get Scotty his gruntle!
Ray Bradbuy is the BEST!
Hey, I've also met Ray, more than once, even! I have two autographed books of his -- one a dog-eared paperback and another a nice, new-at-the-time hardcover (and I can't remember now the titles of either one). Wonderful man.
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