Thursday, April 17, 2008

Call Him Tim

Speaking of the crappiness of the corporate media, that Tim Robbins speech to the National Association of Broadcasters that's been making the rounds is definitely worth a look or listen. The text may be found here, and FAIR has been kind enough to make it available in .mp3 or .wav.

The absolute zenith of news, the perfect storm of reporting, the shining city on the hill in news coverage was Lewinsky v Clinton. Now that was fun. We couldn't get enough of that. There were salacious details, semen stains, oral sex. And the president lied. He threatened every notion of marriage and the sanctity of family. He put our country at risk. And when he did lie we held his feet to the fire. We reported on every angle, every permutation of the story. We held hearings, appointed an independent council, led off every newscast for months about the lie, played it until there was no hiding from it, and then held him accountable by impeaching him. It is our moral responsibility to report on the sex lives of the powerful. It is the only thing that kept our country alive at that point. It righted our ship of state. It saved our collective soul. And it was great, juicy fun. Imagine what would have happened to our country's soul if the president lied and nothing was done about it, if impeachment was off the table. Where would we be today if we did not hold our president accountable?
There's a nice live recording of his play Embedded, by the way—quite worthwhile.

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