Friday, December 21, 2007


In need of some holiday cheer? Then watch Norman Solomon take Glenn Beck to school.

Oh, it is a thing of beauty. Watch as the odious baby-faced, baby-brained Beck anticipates scoring some cheap points against MS/NBC with the help of invited egghead Solomon. Watch as Solomon agrees but then deftly widens the scope of discussion to include other networks and the corporations they're owned by or commercially in bed with—including Beck's own employer, CNN. Watch as Beck unsuccessfully tries to cut Solomon off but Solomon skillfully makes his points anyway. Watch as Beck is reduced to incoherent spluttering and lame attempts to suggest that the calm, eloquent Solomon is somehow crazy or disreputable. Watch as Beck desperately ends the segment before Solomon can score any more points. Wonder who on Beck's staff is going to be fired for allowing a demagogic dimwit like Beck to be matched up against a real media critic like Solomon.

Transcript here. Happy holidays!

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