Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Random Flickr Blogging #0736; or, If All Else Fails...

Steve Linn: he's our man.
If he can't do it, no one can!
"Help! I'm bunching up something awful."
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! I'm late for my GWAR audition!"
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! The shocks on this thing aren't working, and my nether regions are being pounded into hamburger!"
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! This Borat guy crashed our party, and if he doesn't stop with the lame Fonzie impressions soon, I'm sure there's going to be violence."
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! I keep finding myself on my knees in strange hotel rooms."
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! I'm the worst Audrey Hepburn impersonator ever."
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! I feel like I'm trapped in a David Hockney painting."
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! Someone threw a book on the field, and the players are all backing away from it in terror!"
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! This wedding is taking forever. I mean, when this thing started, those plants on the left had leaves, for God's sake."
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! Our statues have become dangerously overaccessorized!"
Call Steve Linn.
"Help! I can't get that godawful Bonnie Tyler song out of my head!"
Call Steve Linn.

Random Flickr Blogging explained here; photos from here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.


Hilarious! Now I'm going to think of Steve Linn whenever I have any kind of problem.
Help! My country is entirely under the thumb of AIPAC! Call Steve Linn!
HELP! I'm laughing uncontrollably!! Call Steve Linn!!
Oh, sure, good advice -- unless you take it! I called, and Steve Linn is on vacation all this week!

Thanks a hell of a lot!
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